Probation Programs
Psychosocial assistance program at the pre-sentence stage (individualized)

Psychosocial assistance program at the pre-sentence stage (individualized)

The probation program "Psychosocial assistance at the pre-sentence stage" is implemented at national level by Order no.238 of 15.11.2016.

Providing psychosocial assistance at the pre-sentence stage increases the chances of reintegration or re-socialization of the subject of probation at this stage.

The psychosocial assistance must be intended for the subject of probation, approaching any associated medical, psychological, social, vocational and legal issues.

The psychosocial assistance shall be carried out only at the request of the subject of probation, thus one of the most important roles of the probation counsellor is to motivate his/her subject of probation to participate in psychosocial assistance activities.
The purpose of the program:
  • to minimize the risk of recidivism,
  • to assess and to plan intervention,
  • to provide immediate help, to specify concrete problems and assess them.
The target group:
The minors and adult subjects of probation at the pre-sentence stage: suspect/accused/defendant.
Pre-sentence probation
  1. Within the pre-sentence probation, a pre-sentence report of psychosocial personality assessment shall be drawn up for a suspect, accused or defendant who has reached the age of criminal responsibility.
  2. The psychosocial personality assessment report shall be drawn up at the request of the prosecuting authority, the prosecutor or the court.
  3. In the case of a minor, the psychosocial personality assessment report shall be drawn up in accordance with the legislation.
  4. In the pre-sentence probation, assistance and counselling shall be given to the subject of probation. (Law on Probation, art. 8).
The program algorithm:
  1. Request from the law enforcement body;
  2. Register;
  3. Identification of the subject of probation;
  4. Assessment (establishing needs);
  5. Written request;
  6. Assistance plan;
  7. Reference;
  8. Monitoring;
  9. Data generalization (minors/adults);
  10. Reporting.
linia fierbinte anticorupție 067441139
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Psychosocial assistance program at the pre-sentence stage (individualized)



Psychosocial assistance program at the pre-sentence stage (individualized) INSPECTORATUL NAȚIONAL DE PROBAȚIUNE

Psychosocial assistance program at the pre-sentence stage (individualized) INSPECTORATUL NAȚIONAL DE PROBAȚIUNE

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