Probation Programs
Intervention program for the preparation of convicts for release

Intervention program for the preparation of convicts for release

The program to prepare for release of persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty is run in groups.

It is aimed at detainees who are in the last year of their sentence and want to acquire information, learn and develop skills that will help them to lead their lives without repeating the crime or inactions for which they were sentenced, in other words, they want to lead their lives in a pro-social way and reintegrate into society.

The program provides the basis for a life skills education process for adults with anti-social behaviors that have been established by a sentence.

The principle on which the program is based is the principle of continuity.

The structure of the program: The program has three compulsory modules:
  • learning pro-social problem solving;
  • preparation of the Recidivism prevention plan;
  • preventing the recidivism.
The general objective: the participants learn problem-solving skills that will help their social reintegration after detention.

The target group: detainees who are in the last year of their sentence and/or are in the 12 months prior to the discussion of the Parole Board.

The most important criterion is whether they want to participate.

The recommended group size is a maximum of 10 participants.

The program is run in "pairs": the probation counsellor with the social worker/psychologist within the penitentiary.
linia fierbinte anticorupție 067441139
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Intervention program for the preparation of convicts for release



Intervention program for the preparation of convicts for release INSPECTORATUL NAȚIONAL DE PROBAȚIUNE

Intervention program for the preparation of convicts for release INSPECTORATUL NAȚIONAL DE PROBAȚIUNE

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